
Therapeutic Rice?

Our psychologist spent her Saturday morning with small groups of girls doing therapeutic activities. Normally they do coloring pages with pencils, markers, or crayons but this time they do it with glue and colored rice. This gives a very unique and beautiful effect. The psychologist tries to use opportunities like this to build a relationship...


We have 5 athletes living at Baan Phak Phing right now who are among the best in the region and will soon have an opportunity to break through into the national level. These girls participate in something called Jiu-Jitsu which is a self-defense sport. A couple of years ago we had a volunteer with us...


In Baan Phak Phing wonen vijf atleten die op dit moment regionaal op hoog niveau functioneren en over een poosje zelfs mogelijkheid hebben om ook op landelijk niveau door te dringen. Deze meisjes doen aan jiu-jitsu, dit is een zelfverdedigingssport. Een aantal jaar terug kwam er een vrijwilligster die zelfverdediging aan alle meisjes heeft geleerd,...

Establish, lead, entrust and release!

Christina Overeem, one of the co-founders, is, after 28 years, saying good bye to Baan Phak Phing. She looks back briefly on what was built over the years and how Baan Phak Phing has grown. Looking back and looking ahead “It all started in 1990, somewhere in Bangkok in a small street. Together with Heidi...

Eten maken!

Tijdens vakanties of in het weekend helpen de meisjes vaak mee met eten koken. Het is een onderdeel van de taken in het grote gezin en een leerschool ter voorbereiding op het zelfstandig worden in de toekomst. Ze helpen met de rijst of de noedels koken, groente wassen en snijden, vlees bakken of frituren, het...

Making food!

During the school breaks and during the weekends the girls often help cook food. It is a part of their chores and is a way of preparing them for becoming more independent in the future. They help with cooking the rice or noodles, washing the vegetables and then cutting them, cooking or frying the meat,...

Speciale trip!

Het is donderdag ochtend en alle meisjes staan klaar, met hun tassen gepakt, om te vertrekken. Drie dagen op pad met alle meisjes en alle ‘moeders’. De meisjes zijn opgewonden en hebben er veel zin in. We gaan met 4 auto’s op pad naar Chiang Mai, onderweg stoppen we een keer om te lunchen. In...

Special trip!

It is Thursday morning and the all the girls are ready, with their bags packed, to go. We have three days on the road with all the girls and all the “mothers”. The girls are excited and are looking forward to this trip. We are taking 4 trucks with us to Chiang Mai. When we...

Events during the vacation!

Yes! The summer vacation has finally started. No more school and homework for a while which means more time to relax and do fun things. The girls really enjoyed having visitors from abroad around. Together they did all kinds of creative activities and games. They even had a day out together. Some of the girls...