
The Board

The houses of Baan Phak Phing are part of a Thai foundation under the Thai law, named Project L.I.F.E Foundation.

In the Netherlands the foundation is called  “Stichting Baan Phak Phing” active since 2007  with the Mission to:

  1. Support and advise the work of Baan Phak Phing in Thailand, and the projects which are undertaken by the foundation.
  2. Realize the goal by practical support/work that can be done in The Netherlands; like fundraising and publicity with the aim to create a solid base and awareness in the Netherlands for the work that is done in Thailand.

The Board consists of a minimum of three members, who are appointed for three years at a time. Current Board members are:

Tina van Eijsbergen
Mardien Noordman
Annemarie Bruggen
Tatjana Bak
Board member on location

Do you have a question or comment for Tina? You can email her at [email protected]. Would you rather get into contact with Tatjana who works at the home in Thailand, you can email her at [email protected].

Besides a Board the foundation “Baan Phak Phing” has a strong local network of ‘ambassadors’ who are involved in the work  in Thailand. These ambassadors promote the work at schools, churches and government institutions. Besides that they promote the work at conferences and by having open days.

Are you interested in becoming an ambassador for Baan Phak Phing? Contact Us!

Official Regulations
Annual Financial Report 2023

The Foundation Baan Phak Phing has a tax-exemption status ANBI 8183.53.910 for the Netherlands.

All board member are volunteers and therefore do not receive payment for their work, only reimbursement for costs made.

Give Now!

$15 per month will pay for clothing for one girl
$35 a month will pay for education for one girl
$60 per month will pay for the cost of housing, internet and utilities
$100 per month will pay for food for one girl