Completed Project

Sewing Machine

Because of a generous donation we could buy a new sewing machine for one of the houses. Last weekend we unpacked it and showed it to all the mothers and girls. We won’t be able to really start using it until one of the vacations. Everyone was extremely enthusiastic. Luckily this one is a portable...

An ice cream to cool down

We received a donation to treat the girls to ice cream. It took a while before we could schedule the event but once the temperatures reached more than 40 degrees, it was really time for the mothers to take the girls to an ice cream parlor. Not only scoops of ice cream but also with...

New doors

Having proper front doors in our houses is not only a blessing; it is a necessity, especially since they prevent snakes and other vermin to enter the houses. When the independent living houses were built, the doors were in good shape of course, but these wooden doors have proven not to be very suitable for...

Motorcycle parking lot: no more hot seats

Here in Thailand it is often rather hot, not just for a few days but at least three quarters of the year. Apart from that we have a lot of rain. The rainy season lasts for about 6 months and so it is not surprising when people would like motorcycles to be parked under a...

Fire safety

Safety is very important, especially when dealing with children. We already do a lot about it ourselves, but the government also has many requirements that we have to meet, including fire regulations. We have installed smoke detectors, an escape ladder to go outside from the first floor in case of an emergency, fire blankets in...

Beach holiday : A dream has come true

For many years the girls have been dreaming about going to the beach. Many of them had never seen the beach and the sea. From Chiang Rai it means a drive of at least 14 hours and therefore this was quite an undertaking which needs planning. But after a long time the girls’ dream has...

Renovations on the roof and the facade

During heavy tropical storms the inside of one of the houses showed leakage. Apparently the outer wall was clad with wood which had started to shrink as the years went by resulting in large openings. At the same time we had problems with birds which were nesting under the roof. The major issue was that...

New beds

Some of the girls’ beds were very old. The iron base which had become rather weak was repaired and strengthened regularly. We chose to continue to do this, because the funds we received were necessary for more important matters, such as food and clothing. To our surprise one day we were contacted by a donor...

Water – a basic need

A human being can’t survive without water. We need it for a lot of things. But most of the time, we only realize this when we run out of it. For all our houses on each compounds, we drilled a well and installed a water tank with a filter to supply the houses with clean...


The wall and ceiling fans of our houses had been repaired several times, but their life span had really come to an end. They were broken and needed to be replaced. Because of the hot climate in Thailand, the girls can’t do their homework or sleep without fans. They need the wind to cool down....