
Completed Project

Open post

A new car

Baan Phak Phing is located quite a distance out of town and public transport here is not as good as it is in The Netherlands. Therefore, we drive the girls to school every day ourselves. Each of the family homes has its own car, in which up to 12-14 persons can be transported. Besides driving...

Open post

Curtains in the bedrooms

It is nice to sleep with the curtains closed, it gives everybody in Baan Phak Phing a feeling of privacy and security. However, the curtains were old, faded and torn. We are so happy that we have been able to buy new curtains and curtain rails recently for all the bedrooms. Now the girls and...

Open post

New water borehole, It’s completed!

At the beginning of November 2023 we shared our urgent need for a new water well on one of the properties. The old well no longer gave clean water. The quality of the water was so atrocious that the girls suffered from irritated skin and severe itchiness after showering and when wearing the clothes which...

Open post

Treating yourself

How wonderful to give every girl a chance to buy a new set of clothes and shoes. Most girls get their clothes and shoes from an older/bigger ‘sister’ in the house, or they get a donation of second-hand clothes, which is wonderful and for which the girls are very grateful. However, to be able to...

Stage curtains

In our multipurpose room we have a stage on which the girls perform, where we all watch a movie together, and which is used during training sessions or creative activities for the girls or staff. Every week we also use the facility for a meeting with the girls who are in the independent living program....

Musical Instruments

We like to stimulate the girls’ musical skills. In each house there is one guitar and in two of the three houses there is an old keyboard, which is a hand-me-down several times over. Due to their condition, both are ready to be replaced; unfortunately they can no longer be repaired. We would like to...

Sewing Machine

Because of a generous donation we could buy a new sewing machine for one of the houses. Last weekend we unpacked it and showed it to all the mothers and girls. We won’t be able to really start using it until one of the vacations. Everyone was extremely enthusiastic. Luckily this one is a portable...

An ice cream to cool down

We received a donation to treat the girls to ice cream. It took a while before we could schedule the event but once the temperatures reached more than 40 degrees, it was really time for the mothers to take the girls to an ice cream parlor. Not only scoops of ice cream but also with...

New doors

Having proper front doors in our houses is not only a blessing; it is a necessity, especially since they prevent snakes and other vermin to enter the houses. When the independent living houses were built, the doors were in good shape of course, but these wooden doors have proven not to be very suitable for...

Motorcycle parking lot: no more hot seats

Here in Thailand it is often rather hot, not just for a few days but at least three quarters of the year. Apart from that we have a lot of rain. The rainy season lasts for about 6 months and so it is not surprising when people would like motorcycles to be parked under a...

Give Now!

$15 per month will pay for clothing for one girl
$35 a month will pay for education for one girl
$60 per month will pay for the cost of housing, internet and utilities
$100 per month will pay for food for one girl