New Kitchens

New Kitchens

The kitchen project is still an ongoing project. We have already been able to do a lot in 2 of the kitchens and we wanted to make sure we kept you up to date. In one of the kitchens the wooden cupboard doors were rotten all the way through causing the kitchen to look shabby and be unhygienic. We have now replaced the wood with aluminum and its looks nice and is easy to keep clean.
Another kitchen needed new countertops. The old ones had broken tiles that were quite sharp and dangerous. It was also very unhygienic because food would get stuck in the cracks.
In the third kitchen we have recently been able to replace the old asbestos roof and are currently working on replacing the drainage system. When that is done we can start working on replacing the counters and the floor. We are getting it done a bit at a time.
All in all a lot has already improved and because we now have all the necessary finances we can continue the work.
We want to thank everyone who donated towards this project!