New water borehole, It’s completed!

New water borehole, It’s completed!

At the beginning of November 2023 we shared our urgent need for a new water well on one of the properties. The old well no longer gave clean water. The quality of the water was so atrocious that the girls suffered from irritated skin and severe itchiness after showering and when wearing the clothes which were washed in that water. We asked you for help to raise €5500,00 to take on this project. We were astonished that after only a short amount of time all the money was donated, even more than the amount needed for the drilling of the well.

At the beginning of January the drilling was started and at the end of 6 days the task was completed. The well is now 72 meters deep, which gives us sparkling clear water. We haven’t seen such good water in years! Even filling the water tank has improved. Once what took 5 hours to finish, now only takes 45 minutes. This is due to the size of the pipes and the new pump.

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