
Ongoing Project

Open post


Our three family houses, the building for independent living, the multipurpose building and other structures are located on two different areas. On those areas we also have many fields, trees and plants and so there is lots of maintenance needed. Especially during the wet season, which lasts for six months, the grass literally shoots up...

Open post

Renovation independent living units

We have three houses with an adjoining communal living room and kitchen for those girls who are learning to live independently. Unfortunately, these buildings are increasingly falling into disrepair and an extensive renovation is necessary. The ceilings are coming down and the paint is peeling; screen doors are falling apart; the kitchen is in disrepair;...

Open post

License dependent on camera surveillance

Our girls’ home Baan Phak Phing is subject to Thai law and almost every year there are legal changes that we have to comply with in order to renew our license. We have been told to extend the camera system for the protection of the girls as well as the staff (the mothers). As the...

Open post

Computers for homework

Doing homework may not be the children’s favourite activity, but it has to be done. A lot of homework, especially tasks from high school and college, needs to be done on a computer. Having 10 children in a house means that they often have to wait for each other when there are only two or...

Open post

Rice cookers

In Thailand it is quite common to eat rice three times a day, literally, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This means cooking rice several times a day every day. The rice cookers are working overtime and occasionally they break down. Sometimes they can be fixed in a cheap and simple way, but sometimes replacement is...

Open post

Television stands

Each house has a television cabinet in the living room. Unfortunately, the wooden, veneer furniture is in a bad state due to old age and the influence of the weather (humidity, heat, and drought). They are real eyesores, hard to clean and some are almost falling apart, and so we would like to replace them....

Open post

New Closets

Each of the girls has their own closet where they keep their clothes and personal items. Right now quite a few of them are getting old to the point of falling apart. Repairing or restoring won’t work anymore because we’ve had to do that too many times already. Will you help us replace them? 1...

Open post

Ice cream for the girls

Here in Thailand, the temperature often rises above 30 degrees and sometimes even above 40 degrees centigrade. Everybody takes it as easy as possible then; people stay inside and drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and cool down. Wouldn’t it be great for the girls to eat an ice cream every once and...

Open post

How can we survive without the ‘mothers’?

The girls in Baan Phak Phing would not be able to live with us if we did not employ ‘mothers’ who take care of them. The mothers offer the girls kindness, love and security. They teach the girls how to cook, wash, clean and take care of themselves.  In order to make the family houses...

Open post

Chairs for the homework rooms

Being able to sit well while doing your homework is important. Many broken down chairs from the homework rooms have been fixed over and over, but unfortunately we cannot keep doing that and we will have to buy new ones.  The chairs are very often used because the girls do homework every day. We need...

Give Now!

$15 per month will pay for clothing for one girl
$35 a month will pay for education for one girl
$60 per month will pay for the cost of housing, internet and utilities
$100 per month will pay for food for one girl