
A big step!

“I knew at a young age that I wanted to be a nurse and over time that desire has only grown stronger. I just graduated from High School and have been looking for a school to continue my education. It hasn’t been easy because there are more students than spots in a lot of the...

New Mattresses project completed!

To sleep well you need a mattress and preferably a good one. If the mattresses are old and worn out then getting a restful night’s sleep is difficult. We needed new mattresses for all the beds in Baan Phak Phing, about 38 in total, so everyone can sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed. It...


At the end of February all the girls had end-of-year tests at their schools. For some of the girls this meant that they were wrapping up their education at their level and would continue on to the next level or start working. 5 girls graduated from their respective schools, 1 from university, 2 from high...

Learning to play guitar!

She came to live with us at the end of the school year and was denied admission to the school until the new school year. During this time of being at home she is learning all kinds of things, like cooking, doing her own laundry, cleaning the house, but also fun things like playing guitar....

Inspection and Insurance?

In Thailand you can get your motorcycle license at 15 and a lot of the girls do that. They find it very exciting but also a lot fun because it gives them more freedom which until that moment they didn’t have. For the “mothers” this is also nice because now the girls can help with...

The Holidays!

The December holidays are already far behind us but we were able to create some beautiful memories. We hope the girls enjoyed it so much they’ll remember it for a long time. The Christmas celebration with all the girls, staff and their families, neighbors and friends and the girls who used to live with us...

Bezoek van sponsors!

In een tijdsbestek van slechts 3 weken hebben we bezoek gehad van drie families die Baan Phak Phing al jaren ondersteunen. Zij komen uit Amerika, Canada en Thailand. Het is geweldig als mensen besluiten om sponsor te worden, maar het is ook zo ontzettend leuk om de mensen achter de sponsoring te mogen leren kennen....

Visiting sponsors!

In the space of only a couple of weeks we had visits from 3 different families who have all supported Baan Phak Phing for years. They are from the United States, Canada, and Thailand. It’s great when people decide to become a sponsor but it’s even better when we get to meet and get to...

Back to nature!

Taking the family and venturing out into nature and living from the land is a great experience. We often hear about it when the conversations turn to scouting or when we know people who like to spend their vacation out in nature. But in the Netherlands it is not very common to live out in...

Terug naar de natuur!

Met het gezin erop uit, de natuur in en leven van de natuur is een hele leuke ervaring. Wij horen hier weleens over als het over scouting gaat of als we mensen kennen die graag hun vakantie op deze manier doorbrengen. Maar in Nederland leven van de natuur komt niet veel voor en wat de...