Sleep Well!

Sometimes you have underlying problems that aren’t that obvious at first glance. If there were problems, then you soon forget those because the day has already started, but you’re still stuck with the question of why you are feeling so tired or why you are hurting all over. And when suddenly the penny drops, you can finally take action. It turns out that all the mattresses at Baan Phak Phing were due for replacement, both for the girls and the “mothers”. Around that same time, we received word from New Zealand that someone wanted to make a donation which ended up paying for 9 new mattresses. 9 girls can now sleep a whole lot better and are getting up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. We now have about 1/5th of the mattresses replaced with another 4/5ths to go. The mothers are also happy because well-rested girls mean a positive outlook on life which then influences the atmosphere and the girls’ performance in school.

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Robbed of your self-esteem

Nina* (not her real name) is the first daughter of her mother and father, she is 10 years old. Her parents are divorced and her mother has a new husband. Her mother worked in a food company and she used to leave Nina with her grandmother’s sister, who was unable to work due to an

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Thank you!

How often do the girls get the chance to thank their sponsors? Not very often, but last November the people who have sponsored us for many years, and gave us new Chromebooks (computers) and new chairs for the homework room, came to visit us. Not just as a way of getting acquainted but they also

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Prospects for the future

In April 2023 we were approached by a lady from India who wanted to come to us as a volunteer for a longer period of time. We then explained that she was required to study the Thai language for a couple of years as it is not possible to work with us without speaking Thai.

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