Robbed of your self-esteem

Nina* (not her real name) is the first daughter of her mother and father, she is 10 years old. Her parents are divorced and her mother has a new husband. Her mother worked in a food company and she used to leave Nina with her grandmother’s sister, who was unable to work due to an illness. One day her mother and her new husband picked up Nina to come and live with them, but they did not take care of her properly. They neglected her and Nina was abused by her stepfather. He grabbed her breasts, cuddled and kissed her and mistreated her. Nina tried to resist, but she was not strong enough and her stepfather threatened her with physical violence. This made her scared to be abused again.

Nina then confided in her teacher and told her about the abuse by her stepfather. The teacher took Nina to the hospital for a physical examination, but this was not allowed as the teacher was not her parent. Then the teacher contacted a government childcare center because she was afraid that Nina was not safe at her home. The government childcare center took the case seriously and investigated. Nina was saved and she has been living at Baan Phak Phing for twelve months now.

Last week two girls came to us and this week we expect two more; they all have similar stories. They have traumas, leave everything behind and suddenly have to live in a strange environment. We hope they will soon feel safe with us and we will be able to help them cope with their huge traumas.



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