Pepers en T-shirts!

Zelf je eigen t-shirt mogen versieren is superleuk om te doen. Het is gaaf om te zien dat sommigen echt anders durven te zijn en te denken. Anderen hebben juist een voorbeeld nodig om van te werken.

Hoe maak je nu die pittige pasta die zo lekker is bij het eten? Dat hebben de moeders aan de meisjes geleerd. De pepers bakken, knoflook, uitje, etc erbij en stampen en …… Iedereen had wel een taak en kon zo een bijdrage leveren aan het hele proces. Toen ze klaar waren was het tijd voor lunch en ja hoor, daar werd ook hun eigen gemaakte pasta bij gegeten. De meisjes waren super trots en wij natuurlijk ook.

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Game time

Early February we organized an afternoon game time in the multifunctional room. It was great to just take our mind off things, run around and have a big laugh. We sat in a row and indicated with our hands items which ultimately had to be presented by the first person in the row. As this

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Robbed of your self-esteem

Nina* (not her real name) is the first daughter of her mother and father, she is 10 years old. Her parents are divorced and her mother has a new husband. Her mother worked in a food company and she used to leave Nina with her grandmother’s sister, who was unable to work due to an

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Thank you!

How often do the girls get the chance to thank their sponsors? Not very often, but last November the people who have sponsored us for many years, and gave us new Chromebooks (computers) and new chairs for the homework room, came to visit us. Not just as a way of getting acquainted but they also

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