Enorm dankbaar!

In het jaar 2017 mocht Baan Phak Phing via verschillende sponsors geweldige donaties ontvangen, waardoor wij heel veel projecten hebben kunnen bekostigen. Projecten zoals waterfilters voor schoon water voor de meisjes, nieuwe motoren zodat de meisjes veilig naar school kunnen en laptops voor de meisjes op de hogere opleidingen. Andere klussen konden weer verder opgepakt worden, waaronder de verfklus van alle huizen en de keukens opknappen en vervangen. Wilt u meer weten over de stand van zaken klik dan hier en lees de updates.

Wilt u weten of er nieuwe projecten zijn waaraan u kunt bijdragen klik dan hier.

Via deze weg willen wij iedereen hartelijk bedanken voor hun bijdrage in welke vorm dan ook en we hopen dat u Baan Phak Phing zult blijven ondersteunen.

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Prospects for the future

In April 2023 we were approached by a lady from India who wanted to come to us as a volunteer for a longer period of time. We then explained that she was required to study the Thai language for a couple of years as it is not possible to work with us without speaking Thai.

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A typhoon in Japan

A typhoon in Japan is frightening, but hey, it’s not happening in Chiang Rai, so you don’t worry about it too much. However, when this typhoon causes extreme rain which ends up in the river streaming into Chiang Rai Thailand, the situation changes. The typhoon also caused a lot of rain locally so that the

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Happy birthday

Who doesn’t like to celebrate their birthday? Most people enjoy it and so do most of the girls. It was Nongnuch’s* birthday, she turned 14. A wonderful meal was prepared; the mother helped the birthday girl making banana cakes, two girls prepared soup, and another girl made papaya salad. It was lovely to see the

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Give Now!

$15 per month will pay for clothing for one girl
$35 a month will pay for education for one girl
$60 per month will pay for the cost of housing, internet and utilities
$100 per month will pay for food for one girl