
Christmas Came Early!

While some of the mothers of Baan Phak Phing are busy with the preparations for the Christmas party, the others are playing games with all the girls. It is only December 10th when this takes place and so it is quite early to celebrate Christmas. The Christmas season is a busy time in Thailand and Christmas is celebrated in many places and people often get invited to multiple celebrations. That is why we decided to move the Christmas party up to the 10th of December this year to make sure that everyone could be there.

The weather is beautiful, the grass has been nicely cut short and everyone is looking forward to the games and later the celebration. The teams are divided and then they start with first an eating relay-race: eat a banana as quickly as possible and drink lemonade. Then stick your head in a box with flour to find a piece of candy, and lastly try to blow up a balloon until it explodes. In another game the girls had to walk, as a group, across the field on one set of skis. In addition to the games we also had a face painting station.

It was a wonderful morning, and everyone had a lot of fun.

After eating lunch together, the girls helped with the decorations and the preparations for dinner. Girls who used to live at Baan Phak Phing, as well their partners and children, the “mothers’” families, and some of our neighbors were invited and came to join us for our Christmas celebration. Having everyone we know together like that is always very special.

First we ate dinner and had a chance to catch up with each other. Then we sang together, listened to the story of Christmas and performed all sorts of dances, songs and skits. At the end of the evening we handed out gifts to the girls and the mothers. Although giving presents is not the most important thing in the world, it is a great blessing to be able to do this. We are grateful to everyone who loves Baan Phak Phing and made an extra donation for Christmas to make this celebration possible.

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Give Now!

$15 per month will pay for clothing for one girl
$35 a month will pay for education for one girl
$60 per month will pay for the cost of housing, internet and utilities
$100 per month will pay for food for one girl