
Christmas and New Year’s Eve!

Most people enjoy a good party but everyone has different ideas on what the best way to celebrate is. Some love large crowds, others are content with several close friends nearby; some prefer to dance and sing, others would rather keep things peaceful; some would like a full on meal, others just want a nice cup of steaming coffee; some readily dress up, others keep things casual; etc.
In Baan Phak Phing, Christmas is a huge deal and we celebrate it big time. For us that means dancing, playing games, singing, listening to a story, acting out sketches and sharing an elaborate meal. We invite former girls, our neighbors, friends and family over so that we can celebrate with a large group. Thankfully, we were able to celebrate Christmas despite Corona. It felt like such a privilege, we are so grateful. When it came to New Years, we were still able to celebrate, though we usually keep that a bit smaller anyways, with ‘just’ our large family. All the girls and co-workers came together for a lovely and long Thai barbecue. In between bites, we played games and danced. We also shared a story and even sang karaoke. It was such a pleasure to be able to start the year together like this.

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What if you see an unconscious person lying in the street? Or you witness an accident and there are several people injured? What would you do? Would you be able to help? Would you be able to provide first aid until the ambulance arrives? We, all the ‘mothers’ as well as the girls have just

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Back to school

The long, hot summer holidays are over and all the girls have gone back to school. The first school week is always rather chaotic as everybody has to get back into the rhythm and it always remains to be seen whether our preparations are sufficient. Do they all have enough pens, pencils, notebooks and are

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Summer holiday

From mid-March to mid-May the girls are having a holiday. It is a long period of time, and it is hot, but doing nothing is not an option. Twice a week the girls go to the gym for self-defence lessons taught by the older sisters who practise this sport at top level. It’s great to

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Give Now!

$15 per month will pay for clothing for one girl
$35 a month will pay for education for one girl
$60 per month will pay for the cost of housing, internet and utilities
$100 per month will pay for food for one girl