Tatjana Bak

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In Thailand there is no conscription for women, but they are allowed to join the army. During upper secondary school girls can choose an extra subject aimed at soldiering to see whether they like it. One of the older girls wanted to do this and recently she has had several training sessions. She learned how...

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My opinion

Some time ago we had several lessons on children’s rights. A visiting organization taught the staff and later the girls on this subject. One of the questions during the follow-up, taken care of by our staff, was what the children thought of their rights and what they personally would like to have improved or changed....

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Being creative

One of the older girls and her ‘mother’ at Baan Phak Phing were talking about a stool made of empty plastic bottles that you could actually sit on. The girl thought this would never work, but her ‘mother’ explained it was certainly possible. Together they decided to create a stool that was strong enough to...

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Cooling down

Last month we received a donation to treat the girls to ice cream. It took a while before we could schedule the event but once the temperatures reached more than 40 degrees, it was really time for the mothers to take the girls to an ice cream parlor. Not only scoops of ice cream but...