Eten maken!

Tijdens vakanties of in het weekend helpen de meisjes vaak mee met eten koken. Het is een onderdeel van de taken in het grote gezin en een leerschool ter voorbereiding op het zelfstandig worden in de toekomst. Ze helpen met de rijst of de noedels koken, groente wassen en snijden, vlees bakken of frituren, het eten kruiden, fruit schoonmaken, etc.  Als er extra tijd is leren de meisjes niet alleen de hoofdmaaltijd te maken, maar ook om snacks te maken. Dit vinden ze natuurlijk extra leuk, want na het bereiden mag het ook opgegeten worden, wat natuurlijk heerlijk is. Dit keer is het een jellysnack met kokosmelk.


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Thank you!

How often do the girls get the chance to thank their sponsors? Not very often, but last November the people who have sponsored us for many years, and gave us new Chromebooks (computers) and computer desks, came to visit us. Not just as a way of getting acquainted but they also spent a nice and

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Prospects for the future

In April 2023 we were approached by a lady from India who wanted to come to us as a volunteer for a longer period of time. We then explained that she was required to study the Thai language for a couple of years as it is not possible to work with us without speaking Thai.

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A typhoon in Japan

A typhoon in Japan is frightening, but hey, it’s not happening in Chiang Rai, so you don’t worry about it too much. However, when this typhoon causes extreme rain which ends up in the river streaming into Chiang Rai Thailand, the situation changes. The typhoon also caused a lot of rain locally so that the

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Give Now!

$15 per month will pay for clothing for one girl
$35 a month will pay for education for one girl
$60 per month will pay for the cost of housing, internet and utilities
$100 per month will pay for food for one girl