Renovations on the roof and the facade

Renovations on the roof and the facade

During heavy tropical storms the inside of one of the houses showed leakage. Apparently the outer wall was clad with wood which had started to shrink as the years went by resulting in large openings. At the same time we had problems with birds which were nesting under the roof. The major issue was that these birds had lice and the mothers and girls were suffering from itchy skin.
Both of the problems were on the same side of the house, therefore we could deal with them at the same time. Since we were at it, we thought, let’s put up a new roof over the adjoining kitchen because the old one was made of asbestos. Last January the wooden facade was replaced, the roof closed off with a ceiling so that birds no longer can nest there and the new roof with ceiling in the kitchen were completed. The facade and the roof over the kitchen are insulated which will shield against the heat.
The appearance is beautiful but we need to wait till the rain season in May to verify that all is watertight.
We are grateful that this big project was sponsored otherwise we would not have been able to do the renovation.