New and exciting adventures

Three of our girls have completed secondary school and moved on to new educational programs in a city 3 hours from home. One, 18 years old, will attend a professional program for which she hopes to later find a job. It was difficult for her to leave ‘home’, her ‘mothers’, and ‘sisters’. She is adjusting well but still misses everyone at home tremendously.

The two other girls, 18 and 19 years old, have followed the first to the same city. The younger one couldn’t wait to get out on her own and to find a room on campus, while the older one was rather apprehensive to let go of all that was familiar. At the same time, both, enrolled in the sports department at a University of Applied Sciences, were nervous and excited to begin their new lives and to meet new people. The fact that everything is unknown makes life a bit anxious and emotional. They have been gone for a month now and are adjusting well to life at school in the big city.

At times mothers need to travel to this city for different types of appointments. They will make it a habit to visit all three to see how they are getting on and to encourage them.


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Game time

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Robbed of your self-esteem

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Thank you!

How often do the girls get the chance to thank their sponsors? Not very often, but last November the people who have sponsored us for many years, and gave us new Chromebooks (computers) and new chairs for the homework room, came to visit us. Not just as a way of getting acquainted but they also

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