Camping in our own yard

This is the third year that we haven’t been able to go on holiday with the girls due to Corona. But we wouldn’t let Corona dictate what we can or can’t do. This year, again, the staff had arranged for a great camping experience on our own property. This time, they put up a number of tents on the yard. The program was also very campsite themed. The girls prepared food on a campfire, played camping games, sung camping songs, and even bathed outside.

They also celebrated that four girls graduated from school. This always is a very important moment, as the girls not only are being honored, but they also get the chance to share things. For one of the girls, for instance, the past year has been very hard, but she still succeeded with the great help of her teachers, and her mother and sisters from our house. That definitely made us shed some tears, of course.

Everybody enjoyed the camp enormously. We were all tired, but satisfied, including all staff members. Next year, we hope to have a very special holiday, because we would like to take them to the sea. Many of them have never seen the sea. After staying home for the whole holiday three years in a row, it would be great if we could realize that.


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