
Back to school

The long, hot summer holidays are over and all the girls have gone back to school. The first school week is always rather chaotic as everybody has to get back into the rhythm and it always remains to be seen whether our preparations are sufficient. Do they all have enough pens, pencils, notebooks and are the uniforms okay? The children are usually a bit on edge, especially on the first day of school. I guess this is something we remember from our own childhood.

Once everyone is dressed, has had breakfast and packed their bags, it’s time to leave. The mothers take the girls to school by car and they need more time to do this as the traffic is also chaotic during the first school week. After the first week everyone has adjusted to the rhythm again and everything runs more smoothly. The girls’ tense faces have turned into happy, relaxed ones.


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Give Now!

$15 per month will pay for clothing for one girl
$35 a month will pay for education for one girl
$60 per month will pay for the cost of housing, internet and utilities
$100 per month will pay for food for one girl