
A typhoon in Japan

A typhoon in Japan is frightening, but hey, it’s not happening in Chiang Rai, so you don’t worry about it too much. However, when this typhoon causes extreme rain which ends up in the river streaming into Chiang Rai Thailand, the situation changes. The typhoon also caused a lot of rain locally so that the water level in the river rose even more rapidly. In the morning of 11 September there was water on the pavement, at noon the water had risen to people’s waists and in the evening up to their necks or even higher. Flooding had not occurred in 30 years and even then, it was not as severe as this. People who considered themselves safe on the second floor had to be evacuated later because there was no power or running water and the situation was declared unsafe.
One of our colleagues was rescued from the heavily flooded area by boat together with her two grown-up daughters. They stayed with us at Baan Phak Phing for 10 days. When the water had gone down, they started the big clean-up. Everything that had been under water, apart from plastic articles, had to be replaced. Doors, wardrobes, beds, furniture, sockets, motor bikes and cars, the lot. The damage was inconceivable, and it was just as well that there was plenty of help to get the job done. They have returned to their home now, but it will take a while before everything is alright again.
Two other colleagues had their homes flooded as well, one up to knee-height, the other up to the roof; this house had recently been finished and decorated.
The streets in the disaster zone look like one big garbage dump and there is lots of filth everywhere. A huge effort is made to help everybody and clean up the streets and make them accessible. This natural disaster will stay with the people in Chiang Rai for a long time. Baan Phak Phing has remained secure even though the flooding was only two kilometers away.
Thanks to the support of many sponsors, we were able to help our affected colleagues to buy new stuff and fix up their houses. Many thanks to all those who contributed to this.


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$15 per month will pay for clothing for one girl
$35 a month will pay for education for one girl
$60 per month will pay for the cost of housing, internet and utilities
$100 per month will pay for food for one girl